This is How…


I’ve always been an over-thinker.

When I was a kid I would think about my future a lot. I’d wonder what high school would be like, then count how many years left until I turned sixteen. My mind would continue to wander; I’d ponder what college I’d go to, what my future husband would be like, how my unborn children would look, and where we would live. Would we be healthy? Would we have a happy home?


And as these early milestones came and went in my life, I found myself thinking, “wow, so this is how my [life event] happens.” It was fun to fantasize about what the future held, then see elements of it come to fruition.


After Isaac and I eloped after just two months of dating (crazy, I know!), I found myself saying “wow, so this is how…” over and over again. One milestone after another rolled by; I changed my last name, quit my job, moved across the country and then got pregnant.


Then when Margot was born, it was the most overwhelming TIH moment.

This is my baby! This is my future! I am a mother! This is unbelievable! 


It was truly a beautiful moment. I only wish it lasted longer.

That wrinkly newborn turned three-months-old this week. She’s holding her head up by herself now, and her dexterity is improving every day. Margot has become a happy, babbling, drooling bundle of joy that I can’t possibly get enough of. Our first home as a family, way out in Washington State, is full of life and love.


Just when I started to get really comfortable here in the suburbs, my husband reminded me that our move to Alaska is less than 90 days out. We’ve made our travel plans, started on the change of station paperwork, and begun looking for housing. I’ve been thinking and over-thinking about this move for a year now.

On moving day, I’m sure I’ll take one last look at our house on Stockholm Ln. and think “so this is how our Alaskan adventure begins”.

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9 thoughts on “This is How…

  1. Oh, her face! Yeah, I tend to overthink and find myself missing the moment because it wasn’t how I imagined it would be – not any better or worse, just different. I work hard not to let that happen too often.

  2. What a little doll bably !! And I love her cute little wardrobe……and my, what big eyes
    you have ! Do you do all this on an I-pad or computer ? Just wondering…..

  3. “I only wish it lasted longer.” That made me laugh- 30 hours of labor wasn’t long enough? You are amazing! We will see you all very soon.

    1. I wish the first time I held my baby lasted longer! The thirty-six hour labor was torture…at least until I got the epidural. Then everything was cupcakes and rainbows.

  4. I totally get it. Sometimes I just look around at my life and think, “…wow.” Couldn’t ask for much more. Your daughter is beautiful, and I am excited for your coming adventures in Alaska. We know a few people up there and they all absolutely LOVE it, as I’m sure you will. Best of luck! PCSing with a little one has its challenges 😉

    1. PCSing with a baby IS a challenge. We had to have our orders amended twice. And thats just paperwork!

      I’m excited for your family, too. You’re moving to Japan in like two weeks, right? That’s so so exciting. I hope everything goes smoothly for y’all.

      1. Ha! We have had to get several amendments, too. They also bought me three plane tickets in my name, and none in anyone else’s. Then they added baby’s ticket, but not dad’s, and I still have 3. And none are next to each other. Eesh. Today is our last day in our house, so we are almost done. Phew.

  5. Yes Crystle this is your present and your future, Isaac and Margot, your family you three have created. Enjoy every second with them. Time is short and precious. Keep the pics of Margot coming, so adorable! Love, Louise Bass Isaac’s aunt

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