South Puget Sound

Tolmie State Park

My idea of risk taking is storing my hiking boots in the garage; which I typically wouldn’t do, but mud is no friend to brand new carpet.

The sun was shining today, so I was eager to get to the nearby state park for a quick stroll along the rocky shoreline of South Puget Sound. To do so, I’d need to get past my undying fear of black widow spiders and clear my boots. I put a swiffer duster in each boot and whisked it around, and even flashed a light down there to be sure I was safe. My confidence must have been lackluster, because I got an adrenaline rush from lacing the boots up over my feet. Talk about a mild existence, you guys.

I’m also 32 weeks pregnant now, so I’m really living on the edge if I’m sticking my feet in dark boots/spider condominiums.

Tolmie State ParkWell, so far so good in terms of spider-bite avoidance. But the next time I plan on walking around the shoreline of Puget Sound in January,  I’ll be sure to bring gloves, and I’ll be doubly sure they aren’t stored in the garage.

Tolmie State ParkTolmie State Park VegetationTolmie State Park Tolmie State Park ShorelineTolmie State Park Vegetation

8 thoughts on “South Puget Sound

  1. Beautiful pics, lovely story, this just happens when you are PG ! That’s an old-fashioned way to say “pregnant “! You are VERY talented….by the way, we are
    going to AAA Sunday for a look at possible “bargain” cruises for Feb. (maybe) !
    Anyone there you still know ? ~xo~Oma

  2. Beautiful! Both your photo’s and your words. I leave my muddy shoes outside on the porch and am always thoroughly inspecting them, ever since some creepy crawly found it’s way in there and I only found out when I felt it moving around while I was driving the car! Ugh. But at least we don’t have black widow spiders here.

  3. I know what park that is, one of my faves! Make sure you go in the summer at low tide and see all of the sand dollars =)

    I never would have thought twice about storing my shoes in the garage in WA…never saw anything poisonous in the whole 22 years I lived there. Now that I am in the desert, though, it is a different story. I don’t even leave my shoes or slippers on the floor IN the house –they have a shelf way off the floor. Seriously one of my greatest fears is a scorpion in my shoe. I feel your fear.

    1. Ooh! Good to know, Courtney! I’ve spent all my life in California, Arizona and Oklahoma–all very friendly climates for poisonous spiders.

      I’ll be sure to check out Tolmie State Park in the summer, I had no idea sand dollars were in those waters!

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