Tiny Dresses

Margot + Yango | Yea Yea PuebloWhile I thoroughly enjoy the tender moments when my elderly beagle, Yango, gingerly sniffs the chubby face and little toes of my darling Margot, I find that by far, tiny dresses are the best part of having a baby girl. I can’t visit major retailers without detouring to the baby section to thumb through the racks for a tiny dress for my tiny girl. Call it projection, call it what you will, but there’s something about the mini hangers, the little bloomers, and the lively patterns; it’s all so adorable and so addictive.

Margot will wear this Anchor dress to Vancouver, British Columbia this weekend, our first “international” trip with her. My festive baby will fit right in.

Margot | Yea Yea Pueblo

4 thoughts on “Tiny Dresses

  1. How adorable is that (for travel) ! She seems a little leery of that nose sniffing her ear !
    Have a lovely weekend…..

  2. We want to hear all about your trip- we’re considering taking the trip north while we’re there in July- can’t wait to see Margot(and her tiny dresses) in person!

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