After the Winter Solstice

The holidays and the winter solstice are behind us now, which means we’re gaining approximately seven minutes of precious daylight every day. Our Anniversary, Christmas, and the New Year were nice distractions from the cold, dark winter, but in our normal routine, our happy light has become our surrogate sun and we are often lost in nostalgia for warm summer days, or brisk hikes in the mountains.

When the happy light clicks off, it’s back to reality.

Fairbanks SkylineI’ve never been stuck indoors for such an extended period of time. Winter sports with an infant in tote hasn’t been an option for us, so while Margot works on walking with the support of the furniture, we’ve spent a lot of time working on other projects.

Pioneer Church at Pioneer Park - Fairbanks, AK

Fairbanks, AK Isaac, my wonderful law school drop-out, has been working diligently on the legalities of starting a small photography business — a dream of mine for quite some time now. With all this time indoors, he was able to write my contracts, model releases, expense forms, print waivers and price lists. Then, when were finally ready to make the investment in better camera equipment, we did.

Yea Yea Photography Logo


Now, here we are, launching my own photography business, Yea Yea Photography! I completed my first lifestyle photo session at the end of December when a friend had her baby. I can’t wait to see the prints when they arrive from the lab in few days. I’m proud of this new venture, and excited to see where it takes us this summer when additional daylight translates into photo ops.

Pioneer Park - Fairbanks, AKMargot 9 months - Fairbanks, AK

As the remaining winter days tick by (I think we’re only halfway through), I’ll be working on marketing for my studio, developing a few more recipes, and hopefully touring one or two places outside of Fairbanks to celebrate all of our upcoming birthdays. I’ll be sure to share all of that, and at least one session with my own blue-eyed baby (who is nearly ten months old) soon.

And many thanks to all the wonderful family and friends who frequent this blog and follow along while I practice my photography technique and share my life! Your encouraging comments always make my day.

9 thoughts on “After the Winter Solstice

    1. Thanks, Kay! We got your letter in the mail today, better late than never. Loved reading about your adjustment to ‘normal’, non-nomadic life. I hope we know what that’s like someday!

  1. So proud of you and your new venture!!! You will create AMAZING photos, heck…you already have!! Can’t
    wait to see what the future holds for your family!!

    1. Thank you, Roberta! Miss you guys bunches, Hannah is such a cutie pie. Can’t wait for Hannah and Margot to play together one day.

  2. Good lord, every time I look at your pictures I want to move up there. I could live in the cold year round, and most of the time I get annoyed with the summer, so I think I’d fit right in. : )

    Also, congrats of the business! So excited for you! May this coming year be full of happy memories and wonderful opportunities for you all!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! Fairbanks is getting better, now that the sun is staying up longer, and we have more than an hour or two of daylight. Heck, you might get a kick out of the dark winters!

      We can’t wait for summer, although I hear the mosquitos are out of control in the summer, not looking forward to that!

  3. Your talent in photography has always been apparent (along with your beautiful way with words!) but I feel like you have really perfected your eye for good photos as of late. I don’t know if it’s the lack of outdoor options ; ) but it’s been really cool to watch you do so well – I’ve been enjoying both your photos and your writing so much lately. Looking forward to more great photography! Congrats and good luck! And I wasn’t kidding when I said that if you’re ever in Vancouver again, I totally want you to take photos of my little guy.

    1. Ashley, your comment made my day! When we’re in the Seattle/Vancouver area next, I’ll be sure to let you know so we can get together for a kiddo session — hopefully your sweet Harding won’t be too grown up by then. That would be so fun!

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