Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AKAurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AK

This was obviously my first time to witness and photograph the elusive Northern Lights.

Aurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AKAurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AKAurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AKAurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AK

My blurry, poorly white balanced photos are a sad testament to the glory of Aurora Borealis, at least in comparison to the dozens of well composed images in a google image search of the Northern Lights. I stand proudly by them, nevertheless, just glad to have seen such a sight.

Since moving to Fairbanks, every evening I peek through my blinds to determine one of two things; is it snowing, or is it clear enough to see Aurora Borealis? Tonight, upon hearing that my local Facebook friends had seen the lights, I was on the lookout for the latter. When I finally saw the green glow, I failed to put on gloves, or to even lace up my snow boots before I ran outside to get a better look at the dancing show above. Isaac took one peek, gave an emphatic cool’  and went right back to bed. I was alone in my excitement on this one.

Aurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AK

I stayed up well beyond my bedtime watching the lights from the cozy comfort of home (after retreating the 9 degree weather), bouncing back and forth from one room to another to see which elevation had the best show.

I can’t wait for another show when I can sneak out of the house to the hills for a better view, away from the light pollution of the city, to achieve some well-framed Northern Lights photos.

Aurora Borealis - Fort Wainwright, AK

5 thoughts on “Aurora Borealis

  1. So beautiful!! Growing up, there was one summer we could see it in Washington. It wasn’t as coloraful, mostly yellows with a little green, but it was –and is still– the most incredible thing I’ve seen. I stayed outside for hours after everyone else went to bed. Breathtaking. I still dream of going to Alaska to see it in all its splendor one day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That’s awesome! The lights never made their way down to California, or Oklahoma, unfortunately. I can’t wait to see them again!

    1. Thanks, Krystal! I hope I can run up to the hills the next time Aurora is out and about — I’d love to get a few photos framed by a more natural landscape. It’s getting nothing but colder up here, fingers crossed that I’ll be tough enough to brave the negative temps.

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