Four Months Later

Here we are, four months after bringing Margot into the world, and we’re still adjusting to the new family dynamic. As soon as we find our groove, Margot changes…and off the balance is thrown.

Margot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

She’s learning how to crawl.

She brings her knees to her belly, then face-plants onto her quilt on the floor, unable to push her chest up and forward at the same time. She screams in frustration, then rolls over in exhaustion. This carries on until the frustration escalates into a tantrum, or she distracts herself with toys. Right now it’s the former. Don’t let the charming photos fool you, this sweet baby has regular meltdowns, too.

Margot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea PuebloMargot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

Lucky for us, she’s sleeping through the night, waking only once at around 5 am for a bottle and a diaper change before sleeping in until 8. It’s been a nice advancement in the baby game.

Her personality is beginning to shine through, too. Margot is effervescent in the mornings, clingy in the afternoons and playful in the evenings. Getting work done around the house isn’t always possible, but I’ve been told that’s to be expected.

Margot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea PuebloMargot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

While Margot attempts to crawl around — usually trying to chase after the dog, Isaac and I have been planning our move to Fairbanks. We’re still debating whether or not we want to buy a house or  live on base.

It’s almost impossible to structure a plan around living in a land of such extremes. Many people we run into here in the Pacific Northwest have had some experience up there. Their opinions vary greatly, which muddies the water even further.

Margot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

We’ll be leaving Washington in seven weeks, just before Margot turns 6 months old. Her first winter ever will be in Alaska. It should make for an interesting first Christmas, and at least an awesome Christmas card.

Until then, we’ll get used to our temporary routine and savor our last season in Olympia.

Margot Bryn - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

Margot Bryn - Story time - Four Months Old | Yea Yea Pueblo

8 thoughts on “Four Months Later

  1. Crystle, keep the photos of Margot coming they all make me smile!
    What a charmer she is. She seems very advanced on her mobility skills. I am a physical therapist and mom so I noticed. What a doll. Enjoy your last weeks in Wahington! Love, Louise Bass, Christie’s sister

    1. Thanks, Louise! Margot gets lots of floor exercise time, that seems to help her mobility. It’s pretty adorable to watch her wiggle around.

  2. What heart-melting photos! She looks so eager for life and adventure- watch out Alaska, here comes Margot!

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