One Month Later

Margot collage Where does the time go? I glance at the clock in the wee hours of the morning, then again in the mid-afternoon and before I know it, it’s time to go to bed again. Really, where does the time go?Margot PortraitIt’s been a month since we brought Margot home. I’m all healed up from her delivery, and except for an unexpected trip to the emergency room with a fever of 104 last Friday, I’m doing fine.

We’re incredibly lucky to have a very mellow newborn who doesn’t fuss without just cause. In fact, I’ve become an incredibly light sleeper, conditioned solely by her lack of crying at night. She tends to rustle and whimper quietly when she’s uncomfortable, which can sometimes go unnoticed by my heavily sleeping spouse. I’m glad we sprang for a small bassinet for our bedroom at the last minute before her birth. Having her in a crib down the hall was a silly notion!

Margot toes

Anyways, I wanted to share a few photos of our lovely little one since she’s just beyond the little wrinkly, red newborn phase. Enjoy!

9 thoughts on “One Month Later

    1. Crystle, ever believe you’d have a blue-eyed baby….she is adorable ! I love baby toes ! I love her pics (and you too!) Oma & Poppa

  1. OH MY GOODNESS Crystle!! This baby is GORGEOUS!! What a stunning little face…captivating to look into those eyes. And her CHEEKS!!! Wanna kiss em and snuggle em!! Just can’t get enough!! XOXO!!

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